My looks right now ! Hi ! I'm one of Japanese who favolite backpacker's trip. If you want to know Japanese any case of thinkings, one of exemplify is here.

AustrailiaThis is homepage what record of my recolective journey where I have gone. In 1993, I did travel around the world, that is main record of this page. As view from another country that maybe not a rare case what many place to go. But case of Japanese, it is so hard to oparate so. We can not take big holy day easy along our date. But nowly,this weak points is fixed a little by recentry Japanese culture. Unexpectedly, I have some chance that to take long holy. That period is whole one year. So that I was lucky how be able to take long date for trip. But it's not only lucky about take long vacation, Because also taking good timely sometime for each trip.

yosemite united statesFast time what I traveled oversea when I was 18 years old, Then a matter of fact, My father got to win a lottery of travel for New York at one of shopping mall !! But my father could not go for there cause not able to get long holy then, And he does not also want to go oversea, Cause he did think about travel to the oversea what is very danger. LuxorThat's possesion could change to within own family only. So, I got possesion of travel for oversea!
When I went to back from New York, then I thought how good thing Going to Unknown place where I have never been! Great!! I want to go to all of interesting place If that possible!
So, I immediately started to save money for next trip....

I 've been over 25 of country altogether. I think almost visitor of this page who have been same or more. In my recollective trip, My best trip is that I went to Nothen teritorrieAustralia when I was 19 years old. I traveled round the whole of all Australia by push bike motor bike. So greatness natural, big rocks (scale is near mountain!), clear blue sky and many kind of rare animals... These things made a impression how is one of reason what thinking of my best trip.Australia has so many very fantastic things! Well, Case of round there by motor bike is better than round with bus or car. I had gotten happy feeling by many of things, But I hate just one thing as Australia. That is too many.. too too many fly at every where!!!!!! Oh NO!!"

Well, Way of round Australia by Motor bike is never easy.AustraliaInhabitant are very few at suburbs. Mnn, 'very few' is not suit word, "Why?", collect pertinent is 'Nobody'! Longest distance for between one of town til next town. One of exemple what one distance is 500km!! During these district how Nobody and Nothing there!! Japanese unbelievable about this scale! So that riders need to care for schedule of petrol that's importent. I thought many varius thing during drive motor bike, Becouse rode is whole straight. AustraliaSo, I owe to this that many reflect on my life til then. But that is boling time what oparat motor bike just straight way It bring to get feeling "ZZZZZ...."that like a go to bed feeling also... ho-ho-ho. Yes, That danger.

Spend 3 month in Australia, And after I went to back for Japan . Then Idecided one of plan what Next trip is whole round a world. Well, Then I worked so hard for save money for it. 14 hours I worked everyday in around 7 months. Saving money was succese until that period. That cost is 1,000,000 JP EN. That is enogh for round a world. Well, My world explorer started!!

At first I went to San Fransisco, United States. USThen I bought motor bike that name is XJ650(YAMAHA). That's One of Japanese bike what nice engine sound. I though travel round by motor bike is too expencive. However run to U.S. by motor bike that was my dream as when I was child. So that I permit me what round U.S. by motor bike. Destenation of this touring is New York from SF. So, I stoped over many place til getting at N.Y.. There are L.A., ElPaso, SantaFe, DethValley, LasVegas.... LasVegasLasVegas.... So, I had got enogh money for round the world... til getting on LasVegas.... Maybe you see what mean is that, right? Yes, I lost much money in Casino!! How fool am i!? I losted US$3000 ! Then I think "Shuld I die now?" real. After that time, I had happend many cruel things one after another... Then date is November. I thought, weather is ok as touring motor bike at United States then, But that is big wrong opinion when I notice getting at SantaFe.

When one morning, I got up from bed where section from Oh!! Cruel!!!!!SantaFe to Denver, I saw outside from room's window, Falling snow!!! I freeze by any mean.... Well, I must go to N.Y., So that I must be kamikaze raider that mean crazy. "How cold here temporate is! This is whole difference til yaesterday." Max available speed is 20miles only cause I can't get speed more. Many cars pass me. Then people face is doubted my sanity. Yeah, I think so also cause I oparate motor bike under snow. But I did lost money in casino that makes I must go N.Y.Seening of 'Dakota house' from Central Park New York by motor bike becouse after necessity of traveling expensee is only buying petrol that cheapest way as me at that time. I extincted cold. Break is not available well. accele, I can't operate good. Run 15miles from that hotel, I retired... Stop way is fall with motor bike, Cause my body is freeze. I snaked that not stop long time. Next day, falling snow is stop, Chance for runaway from cold to root 66. I thought to change corse to via Florida to N.Y..Subway of capital of United States. What a nice design this is ! Ms.Pit who hotel 's counter lady take care of me so much. I gradful for her. I want to say 'Thanks' again now... Ok, Go to south! when put in key for engine"kikikiki..... kikiki.." Next cruel is my motor bike break down! Oh God!! I told Pit, She give to me one advice. That is take a bus from here to Denver, After ride on GreyHound for N.Y.. I follow her. I give one of US citizen my macine that out of move. He said repair that. Ibought that $800, repair cost is same price or more as case of request shop. Pit and her partner bring me to Denver! I was so grad when heard that. Get at Denver, They treated me dinner that biking restrant. After take me to a Bus Station.

".....Thanks so much for this time. Drink coffee by this" I said with $20. But they said to me

"No, It danger show money as such place.". It's moved me to tears...

I never forget about that great of kind humans hert of they. Well, Then my U.S. bus trip start. Chicago, Buffero, Niagara, Toronto, Boston, WashingtonD.C., any place I stoped over. I stayed 3 month in N.Y..Luxor After I went to England. Then whole round England. Well, after this I did go to France, Monako, Itary, Swiszherland, German, Porland, Torkey, Greese, Sakkarar, EgyptEgypt, India, Bangradesh, Thiland on this round the world. There give tome difflence fun each. All places are good and have great histry.I never forget these country and want to forget never these.Ofcourse, I will go any country after this again. I want to talk you about all of story, But If I will do it then I must spend towrite whole 2days or 3days. If U want to talk more, Pls mail to me.

Now I can not take long vacation that likely ever. I working so busy job that creating software job by Visual C++ , CGI(Perl or C) & Visual Basic. But I have many chace for going to United States by work many times.

 I will go to the oversea many time after this, It's by all mean. So that I need more information about anywhere If there on earth. About everythings of mail I need.View from Eifel tower (at 2nd floor)

Please send Give me mail!!!to me for comunication. So I need many friends in the world!!



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